One cure for loneliness? Wearing hearing aids

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It’s Valentine’s Day, a time when many will be spending quality time with loved ones—and realistically, many will not: Loneliness affects 1 in 4 older adults and 5–15% of adolescents and can have a profound impact on our overall well-being—increasing our risk of dementia, early mortality (by nearly 40%), and other health issues. It’s no wonder U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently named social isolation an urgent health threat.

So, why do we discuss loneliness in this space? Because the fact is, hearing loss increases our risk of experiencing it.

Today’s hearing fact, however, gives us that silver lining—reminding us that hearing aids can be a life-changing solution for hearing loss and aloneness alike.

Let’s explore the study behind today’s hearing fact, why human connection is important, and how hearing aids can help us combat social isolation in everyday life.

Study examined feelings of loneliness during hearing aid journey

Researchers observed adults aged 62–92 during three different occasions associated with wearing hearing aids—their hearing aid fitting, one-week follow-up, and 4- to 6-week follow-up appointments. During the hearing aid fitting and 4- to 6-week follow-up, the participants completed the written DG Loneliness Scale, used to investigate feelings of both social and emotional loneliness.

The results: In the 4- to 6-week timeframe when the participants wore hearing aids, the evidence clearly showed that “hearing aid use can serve as a buffer against social and emotional loneliness, especially among persons with significant hearing loss who are at greater risk for negative health outcomes,” the researchers wrote.

They concluded that “by improving verbal communication, hearing aids may restore the possibility for social networking and, as a consequence, have a positive effect on quality of life and quality of social interactions.”

Talk about a silver lining, right? Now, let’s talk about why human connection is important and how hearing aids can help us maintain it.

Social connection is essential for everyone

Truth be told, connecting with others is a fundamental need for human beings—as important to our survival as food, water, and shelter. In fact, research contends that our biological makeup is designed for social connection: Since the days of our early ancestors, the human brain has been accustomed to nearness to others, and the reliance on them to help us meet our basic needs.

In contrast, as Surgeon General Murthy states, “Living in isolation, or outside the group, means having to fulfill the many difficult demands of survival on one’s own. This requires far more effort and reduces one’s chances of survival.”

And even though we are living in a society that allows us to live without face-to-face interaction—everything from having our food delivered to viewing entertainment at home—human connection remains a biological necessity.

One of the best things we can do to maintain that connection and reduce our risk of loneliness is to treat any hearing loss we may have. And hearing aids are a key solution to consider.

How hearing aids can help combat loneliness

By improving our ability to communicate, better hearing through hearing aids can help us maintain our connection to our world—family, friends, activities, and beyond:

  • Better hearing helps us sustain our “village”
    Improving our hearing can help us maintain our relationships with important people in our lives such as family, friends, and caregivers. In turn, we establish a strong support network with whom we can communicate our needs and count on for help and encouragement (and vice versa).

  • Better hearing facilitates our participation in life
    When we can hear better, we can continue to live an active lifestyle, whether that includes taking a ceramics class, volunteering, or simply attending more gatherings with the people we care about. Hearing instructions, having conversations, and appreciating natural sounds around us (e.g. birds singing, people laughing) can all contribute to greater joy and overall health.

  • Better hearing supports our social enjoyment
    Hearing our best can make us most likely to take part in conversations, schedule plans with others, go to family get-togethers and restaurants, and so on. In fact, we never have to miss another life moment—big or small—with the people we love.

All with the help of hearing aids.

Pair up with hearing aids, reconnect with joy

Staying connected to others is not only a human necessity, but also a pathway to life enjoyment that everyone deserves to experience. By treating our hearing loss, we can have both. So, if you think you may have hearing loss or even if you aren’t sure, make an appointment with a licensed hearing care professional.

Simply type your zip code in here and you’ll find a list of local providers who can evaluate your hearing, consult with about your options, and if applicable, demo the latest hearing aid technology.

Learn more about your hearing health at Land of Lincoln Hearing. Schedule a hearing test in your area today.