Viruses can lead to longer-term issues, including hearing loss

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With the “sickness season” upon us, there’s no better time to explore the association between hearing loss and COVID-19, an ongoing health issue in the U.S. Today’s hearing fact is a great reminder that infection and illness can put us at risk for hearing loss—and that hearing loss does not discriminate with age.

Let’s explore the study behind today’s hearing fact and how it is possible for viruses like COVID-19 to cause hearing loss.

Study explored link between COVID-19 and hearing loss

A research team designed a study to determine the correlation between COVID-19, general hearing loss, and sudden sensorineural hearing loss (this type of hearing loss involves sudden damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve).

“Recent case reports have documented sudden HL (hearing loss) in young adults with no prior hearing issues after COVID-19 infection, suggesting that hearing problems in young individuals have emerged as a new public health issue following the COVID-19 pandemic,” the researchers noted. “HL in young individuals can significantly impact their quality of life, academic and occupational performance, and social functioning.”

Their study examined the data of 6.7 million adults aged 20–39 (who did not have a history of hearing loss) from January 2020 to December 2022. The data was sourced from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency-COVID-19-National Health Insurance Service. Over 90% of participants had completed the COVID-19 vaccine series.

The findings: Participants reported 38,269 hearing loss cases and 5,908 sensorineural hearing loss cases during the study period. Moreover, the risk of the conditions was greater in those who had been infected with COVID-19 than those who had not.

(It should also be noted that the greatest risk of COVID-19-related hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss was in young adults with diabetes, followed by those with abnormal cholesterol levels.)

The research team concluded that COVID-19 may be a sole risk factor for general hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss in young adults who have “generally healthy” ear, nose, and throat conditions. They further advised that all young adults should stay cognizant of their hearing loss risk following COVID-19 in an effort to manage or prevent any long-term impact of the infection.

How viral infections can lead to hearing loss

Truth be told, numerous viral infections can cause hearing loss for people of any age, according to experts: Some viruses have the potential to damage inner ear structures, while others may cause inflammatory responses or increase vulnerability or fungal or bacterial infection—all of which can lead to hearing loss.

Fortunately, hearing can recover from some viruses, and of course, certain ones can be treated or even prevented. 

Regardless, it is best to monitor our hearing health after a virus. One of the biggest reasons is that hearing loss can directly impact our overall well-being as we age.

From reducing the risk of cognitive decline to helping to protect against falls, learn more about the importance of evaluating hearing regularly and treating any hearing loss, here.

Contact a hearing care professional for any hearing issues

If you think you’re experiencing hearing loss under any circumstances, reach out to a licensed hearing care professional. Simply type your zip code in here and you’ll find a list of local providers who can test your hearing, consult with you about your options, and if appropriate, demo the latest hearing aid technology.

Schedule your hearing test at Land of Lincoln Hearing today. Click here to find a our office closest to you.